FINISHED SHOOTING Note to Self Round 2! by Rakhee Morzaria

I'm proud to tell you that we successfully finished shooting Note to Self Round 2! Five more videos coming at you in a couple months! 
Here are some fun pics from a great weekend full of various flavoured chips, laughs and samosas. 

Performing at Supercrawl 2017!!! by Rakhee Morzaria

I'm very excited to announce I will be performing in Cockroach (a devised piece) for Hamilton's Supercrawl 2017!! The play runs at around 10 minutes long and will be performed multiple times that day. It was created under the guidance and direction of playwright, Radha Menon, who I had the pleasure of meeting while in the artistic training program at Factory Theatre. See you in Hamilton Sept 9th!!! More details to be posted soon :)


Rakhee Morzaria's Note to Self by Rakhee Morzaria

YAHOO! Been busy working like a bee writing and producing 8 videos that will be released through CBC's Comedy Digital platforms! The series is called Rakhee Morzaria's Note to Self. I'm very fortunate to have worked with so many talented friends that made this project what it is. Thanks to CBC Comedy for this opportunity. I'll post the videos when they come out (sometime in June). But for now... some fun behind the scenes pix:



Excited to announce that Be Right Back will be showing at Breakthroughs Film Fest on June 17th at the Royal Cinema. All details can be found here:

The facebook event is here:

Directed by Lucie Guest, Written by Rakhee Morzaria, Produced by Rakhee Morzaria and Geoffrey Cork, Cinematography by Ian Carleton, Editing by Preeti Torul, Sound Editing by Bret Killoran, Sound Recordist Ryan Yusep. Starring: Rakhee Morzaria, Lucie Guest, Christian Smith and Rodrigo Fernandez-Stoll. 


Miss You short film by Rakhee Morzaria

I was cast in this great lil short film with director Geoffrey Cork and just cannot wait to watch it! Here are some pictures from set! 

Cast in upcoming production of 7 Stories at Hart House Theatre! by Rakhee Morzaria

By Morris Panych

By Morris Panych

I am so excited to be in the upcoming production of 7 Stories directed by Rebecca Ballarin! I play Charlotte and Lillian! Yahoo! COME WATCH THIS PLAY! 

Mar. 3-11, 2017

A man stands on a seventh-storey building ledge and contemplates suicide. Before he can get too far, he is confronted by the self-absorbed (and oftentimes absurd) people who live inside the building. In 7 Stories, multi award winning Canadian playwright, Morris Panych, creates a meta-theatrical gem of a black comedy; full of fanciful characters with a wistfully existential conclusion.

Past Dark in the Toronto Star! by Rakhee Morzaria

This fabulous show (which I'm so grateful to be a part of!) received a great review in the Toronto Star. FYI, I played the one of the cool bullies AND THE mysterious woman. Just call me Rakhee, mysterious woman, Morzaria.  This show is playing TONIGHT, Friday October Oct 7th, 14th, and the 29th at 8pm at the Bad Dog Theatre. See you there. 

From understudy to regular study at Second City! by Rakhee Morzaria

Last year I had the honour of understudying for the female cast of Second City's Education Company. This year I'm excited to announce that I'm part of the cast! For realzies and not just when someone is sick! I'm thrilled to be working with so many talented people and an amazing director. Shows start in October and 'till then I'll be practising the delivery of the line, "Tom, our son is not a dud!" Suggestions welcome. 

We made a movie! by Rakhee Morzaria

After editing draft after draft, waking up at 2am to add something to my ongoing "to do" list, sorting out schedules, shooting it (that part was fun), editing and sitting with our sound mixer to find the perfect owl hoot, Be Right Back the short film is finally finished!

We've started to submit it to festivals so fingers crossed someone out there thinks it's cool! And enjoys the owl hoot we finally chose.

For now. Some fun stills? Yes pls!